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A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder to Find
The future of mating looks grim as more educated women compete for fewer eligible males.
When my daughters were small they had a favorite bit of doggerel that prefigured some early feminist leanings.
Girls go to college to get more knowledge/Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider, they would chant at me, and, with more evident passion, at any young males in their vicinity. I’d try to take issue with the grammatical betise in the second line that, I would point out, slightly undermined the premise of the jibe, but it was no good. Girls were smarter than boys and immeasurably superior in just about every other respect.
On that, of course, I have never dared demur.
But as it turns out, and as my girls progress with grace and accomplishment up the gilded escalator of their liberal education, there’s a searing piece of truth in that couplet that points up a deep demographic chasm in this country and in much of the developed world.
The gender imbalance ineducational attainmentis getting larger every year. That mayspell good news, ultimately, for income and employment equality—but it presages increasingly problematic social conditions for generations of men and women.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, more than 57% of the class of 2018 who graduated with bachelor’s degrees were female. The gap for master’s degrees was even wider: 59% to 41%.
In the game of life, love and relationships, the educational disparity between men and women is a problem.
This gender imbalance has existed since 1981, when more women than men graduated for the first time, and it’s widened just about every single year since then. In fact, the Department estimates that by 2027 women will account for about 60% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded.
Now, from the perspective of economic justice and equity, we can surely stipulate that this is progress. It may be the most tangible piece of evidence of a fundamental change in sexual equality since women were given the vote. If education really is the key to lifetime earning potential, then slowly, perhaps, steadily, we can expect the gap in pay and opportunities to narrow.
I realize of course that there are many other reasons for gender differences in economic outcomes, and many of those aren’t going away. But the impact of a more highly educated female population in the workforce should be substantial.
But while the economic consequences may play out this way, it’s worth pondering some of the social effects.In the much larger game of life, love and relationships, the growing educational disparity between men and women is a problem.
It is estimated that for every three men with bachelor’s degrees in their 20s and 30s, there are now four women.Most studies of human heterosexual attraction suggest both that intellectual capacity and achievement is an important attractor and that people tend to gravitate toward a partner with roughly the same level of attainment.
But every year,the pool of eligible male graduates is getting smaller relative to the number of women. Now of course college isn’t everything, andmany women will find a perfect mate who hasn’t been through the four-year playground of parties, sleeping and the occasional lecture. But the reality is that more of them are going to have to if they want a meaningful relationship.
And there’s a larger problem confronting these new cohorts of well-educated women. It’s always been assumed that women are more selective inseeking out a partner of the opposite sex. Men are notoriously undiscriminating; women, obviously more refined and sophisticated, are more choosy. But with data now available from dating apps we are beginning toget a sense ofjust how big this gap is too.
Aviv Goldgeier, an engineer with the dating app Hinge, was recently interviewed about data he’d compiled on the likes of straight men and women. If we think of attractiveness in terms of an economic asset, we can measure how evenly or unevenly distributed that asset is among men and women. Economists use a measure—the Gini coefficient—to estimate the level of inequality in an economy. The nearer the number is to 0, the more evenly distributed the wealth. The closer it is to 1, the more unequal it is.
It turns out that the Gini index for males is 0.542—a high level of inequality. A small number of men hold most of the attractiveness assets. For women, in the eyes of men, the attractiveness assets were much more evenly spread—a Gini index of just 0.376. Grim confirmation: A much smaller number of men are considered eligible by women than is the case for women as viewed by men.
In other words, when they’ve finished college, it’s women who may need to go to Jupiter to find a decent partner.
词 汇 卡 片
1.grim [ɡrɪm] adj.
worrying, without hope
- When he lost his job, his future looked grim.
- Millions of Britons face the grim prospect (=something bad that will probably happen) of dearer home loans.
许许多多的英国人未来可能面对一个严酷的事实: 住房贷款负担更加沉重。
- We received the grim news in silence.
2.eligible [ˈel.ɪ.dʒə.bəl] adj.
An eligible person is not married and is thought to be a suitable future marriage partner, especially because they are rich and attractive.
- I can think of several eligible bachelors of my acquaintance.
having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions
- Are you eligibleforearly retirement/maternity leave?
- You might be eligiblefora grant.
- Only people over 18 are eligibletovote.
3.doggerel [ˈdɒɡ.ər.əl] UN
poetry that is silly or badly written
4.prefigure [priːˈfɪɡ.ər] vt.
to show or suggest that something will happen in the future
- His paintings prefigure the development of perspective in Renaissance art.
5.leaning [ˈliː.nɪŋ] CN
a particular set of beliefs, opinions, etc. that someone prefers
- I dont know what his political leanings are.
- a person with socialist leanings
- a leaningtowardscomedy rather than tragedy
6.vicinity [vɪˈsɪn.ə.ti]
the area around a place or where the speaker is
- There are several hotelsin the immediate vicinity ofthe station.
- We could see that there were several open Wi-Fi networksin the vicinity.
- Anyone who happened to bein the vicinitycould have been injured or killed.
1. 文中的in their vicinity即在她们周围的的意思
2. 该词常以单数形式出现
7.take issue with
to disagree strongly
- I took issue with himoverhis interpretation of the instructions.
8.betise [biti:s] CN
an act of foolishness or stupidity
- Do not make such a betise again.
9.premise [ˈprem.ɪs] CN
an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
- [ + that ] They had started with the premise thatall men are created equal.
- The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.
10.jibe/gibe [dʒaɪb] CN
an insulting remark that is intended to make someone look stupid
- Unlike many other politicians, he refuses toindulge in cheap jibes at other peoples expense.
11.immeasurably [ɪˈmeʒ.ər.ə.bli] adv.
You use immeasurably to emphasize the degree or extent of a process or quality.
- They have improved immeasurably since their arrival.
- The situation today is immeasurely more acute than it was 25 years ago.
12.demur [dɪˈmɜː(r)] vi.
to express disagreement or refuse to do something
- The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge demurred.
- They demurred politely, but finally agreed to stay.
13.spell vt.
to have sth as a result; to mean sth
- The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.
- The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers.
该词的后面一般接消极的结果,但原文中是好的结果(good news),所以,语言是处在不断变化中的,要多读地道文章哦
14.presage [ˈpres.ɪdʒ] vt.
to show or suggest that something, often something unpleasant, will happen
- But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.
- The large number of moderate earthquakes that have occurred recently could presage a larger quake soon.
15.stipulate [ˈstɪp.jə.leɪt] vt.
to say exactly how something must be or must be done
- She agreed to buy the car, but stipulated racing tyres and a turbo-powered engine.
- [ + that ] The law stipulates that new cars must have seat belts for the driver and every passenger.
- [ + question word ] We have signed a contract which stipulates when the project must be completed.
原文的we can surely stipulate that this is progress就是我们可以肯定地说,这是进步
16.ponder [ˈpɒn.də(r)] vt./vi.
to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time
- She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.
17.gravitate [ˈɡræv.ɪ.teɪt] towards/to sb/sth
to be attracted by or to move in the direction of something or someone
- Susie always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup.
该短语本身就是被的含义了,在使用时就不要画蛇添足地说成"be gravitated to"了
a place where a particular group of people enjoy themselves
- This area of the coast is the playground of the rich and famous.
1. 该词只以单数形式出现
2. 文中的be through the four-year playground of parties, sleeping and the occasional lecture描述得既扎心又真实,哈哈哈~
19.cohort [ˈkəʊ.hɔːt] CN
a group of people who share a characteristic, usually age
- This study followed up a cohort of 386 patients aged 65+ for six months after their discharge home.
20.the Gini coefficient
基尼指数最早由意大利统计与社会学家Corrado Gini在1912年提出。
But as it turns out, and as my girls progress with grace and accomplishment up the gilded escalator of their liberal education, there’s a searing piece of truth in that couplet that points up a deep demographic chasm in this country and in much of the developed world.
1. 这句话的主干是什么?
2. 其他成分是什么?
But as it turns out, and as my girls progress with grace and accomplishment up the gilded escalator of their liberal education, there’s a searing piece of truth in that couplet,其中的as... and as...是时间状语从句
that points up a deep demographic chasm in this country and in much of the developed world是定语从句修饰truth,that指代truth,在从句中作主语
we think about and work with是定语从句修饰things,关系代词which/that省去了,因为其在定语从句中作介词about和with的宾语
1. 学学人家是怎么描述人越来越优雅,学业水平越来越高的:as my girls progress with grace and accomplishment up the gilded escalator of their liberal education,句子漂亮到简直想哭~
[ 再次强调一下,文中划线句子无条件背熟!]
2. demographic chasm就是difference/gap between the two genders的意思
3. that couplet即Girls go to college to get more knowledge/Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider
趁 热 打 铁